The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Report reveals only 50% of the United States population trust businesses. Shocking? Not exactly. Between data breaches and ‘trust-washing,’ brand credibility and trust is plummeting—and has been for awhile. 

Brand trust impacts buying decisions and customer loyalty: 80% of consumers in the United States said trusting a brand to do what is right is a factor in their buying decision and 82% said they will continue to buy from brands they trust. While trust does take time, content creation is a powerful way to earn it by shaping your buyer’s perception of you and your brand. 

The key? Establish yourself as a thought leader by creating content that actually addresses their problems, provides real strategies, ‘tips,’ and solutions, and use that content to earn their trust and establish yourself as a valuable resource in their industry vertical.

A study by Conductor found consumers to be 131% more likely to buy from a brand immediately after they consume early-stage, educational content. Further, when asked to choose between four brands from which to purchase, 83.6% of consumers chose the brand that provided them with educational content. 

First Steps at the Core of Content Creation

Before creating content, identify the objective:

  1. Am I aiming to build brand awareness and trust?
  2. To secure leads?
  3. To nurture leads?
  4. To convert leads?

Here are four key components to consider when creating content:

  1. Is it empathetic? Are you reaching out to your audience in a way that shows you understand their problems, needs, and desires?
  2. Is it educational? Are you providing actual tips and solution-based strategies to support their problems?
  3. Does your content reflect your company’s values?
  4. Is there an opportunity to build authenticity through third party credibility?


Content marketing is a powerful tool—whether you’re focusing on generating leads, distinguishing yourself in a competitive environment, or building brand trust and loyalty.

In a recent study from the Content Marketing Institute, in the last 12 months, the top three goals marketers achieved through content marketing include: (1) building brand awareness, (2) educating audiences, and (3) building brand trust and credibility. 

More than ever before, consumers are demanding authenticity, ethical-practices, value deliverables, and actual brand promises; marketers and business leaders must meet these demands and recognize how much is at stake with brand trust and integrity.